Yesterday :: Today


12:31 p.m. :: 2006-03-09

I went to find you to return some things of yours I found to you. You mother no longer lives on Richmond, and I don't know where she lives. And you were not at the apartment on North st. Neither was Janet. So does that mean you have moved to?
There was a time I feared with all my heart that I would not be able to reach you, or talk to you. Now it seems so long ago I even cared.
It makes me sad, and it makes me wonder. Where will I be in ten years? And if by then nothing that I'm doing or feeling now will be relivant, why is anything happening at all?
Travanti says you cheated on me with Janet several times before you dumped me, but I don't know if I should believe him or not. Would it matter if you did? He said you told him so. I think me might be lying. He says you're a dog, like all men, and just after the pussy. Can I believe him after the years we spent together?
Can I forget all the love we shared, and all those happy days that did happen?
If I can so easily push it all aside, then I'm sure you have... You were afraid to become another memory, and now you are, nothing but a fading memory. You are just the guy in the book... The guy who is in my journal, but not my heart...
Do you miss me? Would you want me back now? Would we be able to be together?
I can only wonder. I pretend like I think you're a terrible person now, but that's now how I really feel. I always remember you as my first real love, and I'll always remember you as the guy I knew you as. I promise.

Yesterday :: Today