Yesterday :: Today

December 31st

3:05 p.m. :: 2005-12-31


Maybe I've been lied to. Maybe you didn't cheat on me. Tre showed me a little of his true colors the other night, and it's making me afraid again.

How can this happen?

How can I be so confused all over again?

I almost considering visiting you after that night - but quickly recovered. If I was to see you I'd return "the box" and some clothing of yours I found.

I have no desire to be with you anymore, I mean, I certainly don't love you anymore - but I wonder sometimes if I'd be better off with you. You never hurt me in anger before. Never like Tre does.

Then again, a lot of things are different with Tre I wouldn't want to loose. Maybe men are all hopless.

I've been thinking recently about what it would be like to be with a female. I've been dreaming about it constantly. It seems every morning I wake up with memories of touching my lips to that of a females. They're always so beautiful, so enchanting in my dreams.

Maybe it's just a fantasy, who knows.

Yesterday :: Today