Yesterday :: Today

May 2nd 2006

4:07 p.m. :: 2006-05-02

I made another attempt to return you bag of stuff at the apartment on North st, but I didn't get an answer. I even got into the hall way and knocked on practically every door. I couldn't remember exactly what number it was. My first guess was 177, but when I went up there, I could have sworn your room was on the left side, not the right. My next guess was 176, but some lady lived there I didn't know. My next guess was 170, and I didn't get an answer there. So I don't know...
I tried to leave the stuff at Deanna's, but no one was home.
I was so excited about seeing you I kinda dressed up, but then I... didn't see you. I had hoped that we would spend the day together, but obviously it didn't work that way.
I've realized I'm never going to feel the way I did with you again. I've come to peace with that now, but it's still sad.
I wish I could feel like our business was done, and not like we were pushed from each other's lives. I wish I could feel like my last words to you were good ones to always remember. But I don't even know what they were.

Maybe someday we'll know each other again.

~Raederle Phoenix

Yesterday :: Today