Yesterday :: Today

July 10th [suckage]

5:38 p.m. :: 2005-07-10

I've had a hectic week. Raederle's "friends," I guess.. set me up .. is the way to put it .. to look as if I'm doing more than I am with Raederle. (refer to this entry)

A drug dealer ran away with my money without leaving drugs... that bastard.

I fell off of Tina. I lost my lense to my glasses. I burned my finger. Popped the blister with a box, then had it smashed under a couch..and a fridge... not at the same time.

What else has happened interesting?

I helped Lee move for five and a half hours and only got paid ten dollars. This is where I popped the blister and got hit with the fridge...yes, the couch too.

Steave is becoming annoying with his inablity to have friends besides me. He makes all of his problems my problems in a way. Asking me for help in nearly every aspect of his awkward-awkward life. Speaking of awkward and fucked up friendships... It is so weird being my ex-girlfriend's boyfriend's best-friend. (WHEN DID THEY BECOME BESTFRIENDS???) Every time I say anything benifical to him, I ask myself, "why did I say that to him?" It would benifical to myself if he failed - which I say aloud, to which I get the reply; "yeah, it's fucked up."

I don't know what else to say. I don't think I could say enough about any one thing for anyone to understand what it is that I'm saying.

I think Missi likes me, for sure this time. She holds my hand when ever I walk anywhere with her. She asked me four times in the last week if I was still moving in with Janet. I guess the answer to that is ... technically yes. The decision has come down to that Janet's apartment has "fallen through" again. Which would mean I'm moving in with Steve. Which is awkward because of what he said. (he's gone fruity or something...) I guess he also offered for Janet to move it. So I don't know, like I always say that things are not easy for me. I have to work on his... house-thing. I'm not sure I can call it a house yet. (it's a dump.)

I still don't have a job. or even a call back. In case you were wondering... it SUCKS. Not just regular sucks; it sucks moose-cock.

Still don't have glasses yet. Which also sucks moose-cock. And not just the moose-cock, but the moose-crack too. So now that we've licked too many animals in too many places...

Today I cleaned. and cleaned. It's like my name was cinder-nigger. And tomorrow will most likly suck. How much it will suck is up to God, but he has to remember... I'm going to get him back. Oh yes. going to get him back.

PS: Do not say "goodday" to strangers because I am as strange as they come, and I never have a good day.

Yesterday :: Today