Yesterday :: Today


2:06 a.m. :: 2005-04-30

mine again

its been too long. me and rae broke up i shoud not have and i regret it because when it happened i still loved rae but i was afraid of getting hurt so i pushed her away i moved out and into lees house "it wasent my my only option and she offered" she at the time was trans. . . transfering realiships (still cant spell) between my brothers childhood friend to my brother. where i met jaennette who at the time was lees best friend who lived with with her i quickly become infacuated with her because she reminded me of . . . well . . . me she had been raped as a child and wanted nothing more than to love and be loved in return and she was all over me wich we all know wasent because of my good looks it was because she had grown accustom to her ex who had treated her like an ass and another who only used her for ass so she took the leangth of my kindness as . . . like flirting wich made her flirt with me wich helped me fall for her.

Yesterday :: Today