Yesterday :: Today

cut my chest

12:51 p.m. :: 2004-10-24

i am verry proud of my raederle
i was upset but not so now her event went off real well it had a low turnout but i sort of expected that in the back of my mind chuck and rae's ex tiffiny fuckin cut my chest with a stick
that shit ruined the rest of the night for me not because i was bleading or in pain but because when rae hit my brother and he through a cup at her she wanted me to kick his ass even tho she hit him first and here i am talking to mandy mindin' my own bisness and that skinny bitch hits me with a fuckin stick rae saw that i was pissed i explained and she looked at me like oh well and said "just ignore her" after i was mad and was gonna stay at my moms house but ended up fallin asleap on lea's couchi really am proud of my rae tho i shoud do sumthin' nice for her

Yesterday :: Today